Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lightweight Steel Trench Box | Benefits

Light weight steel trench box provides a safe working area for pipe laying operations. They are specifically designed to be used with smaller excavators with a limited lifting capacity. They are also used as a top section for deeper excavations. Lightweight steel trench box is a robust piece of equipment, which acts as a trench safety shield to provide a safe working area below ground level.

Here are some advantages of lightweight steel trench boxes:

-2 persons can carry the system

-Suitable for stable and friable/cohesionless soils

-Avoids breaking of trench edges, destruction of road surface and slipping of paving slabs

-High-strength steel, no corrosion, no waste

-The steel sheet couplings allow adjustment during lowering of the pipes

Configuring Lightweight Steel Trench Box

Lightweight steel trench box is connected together rigidly by couplings to form large shoring units. The aluminum trench box is mainly used for trenches up to 4 m deep and secures the trench edge to prevent slides. Aimed at providing our customers with a straightforward box assembly, box panels and telescopic struts are built with simple ‘pin & clip’ arrangements. This enables easy adjustment for strut changeovers and box panel extensions to achieve the required trench widths and depths. Installation is easy through the ‘Dig and Push’ method. This ensures that the side walls of the excavation are supported, and minimizes the likelihood of an accident. The panels are 3m long by 2m deep with a width range of 720mm to 1720 mm which can be altered using telescopic struts these are secured in place using the ‘Pin and Clip’ system, which connects all components. Lightweight & robust, trench depths of 4.2m are achievable for the Backhoe Box and 5.6m for the standard Box. The 25mm incremental strut adjustment negates the need for alternative spindle strut options, which are often heavy, complicated & less robust. Achieving closer trench width dimensions, when compared to other telescopic struts on the market, can mean considerable cost savings to our customers by reducing back-fill material requirements.

The post Lightweight Steel Trench Box | Benefits appeared first on Trench Boxes for Sale | Trench Shoring Equipment Systems.



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